In this type of operating system,The processor time is shared by various processes simultaneously.The processes are switched
Q2 . what are real time operating systems?
In this the processes are switched real time between the that the user does not know the time lag as it is happening in real time.
Q3 . What are tasks of an operating systems?
The operating sytems are used as an interface between the user and computer hardware.Some of the tasks are;>Device management;>Memory management;>Graphical User Interface ;.so on
Q4 . What are schedulers?
They are the programs that decide which are the programs that are to be executed or in other words it schedules the various program executions
Q5 . What are scheduling algorithms?
These are the algorithms that decide how to schedule or rather execute program one after the other.
Q6 . what is fcfs?
It stands for First come First server.Whatever task comes first gets executed first without considering the priority or the time taken by the task to get completed.
Q7 . what is SJF algorithms?
In SJF,the shortest job first algorithm the process taking the least time will get executed first.
Q8 . what is round robin algorithm?
In round robin algorithm all the processes in queue are executed for some time called the time basically every process get a time slice of execution in rotational order and process waits for a lot of time or that is gets starved.
Q9 . what is SRT algorithm?
This is called the Shortest remaining time algorithm.In this algorithm the process with the least reamining time for completion gets executed first.
Q10 . what is multi threading?
Threads are small sets of execution or instruction to be performed.It is the concept of executing multiple threads contiously or parallely.