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Aptitude Test on Ages, for Interview Preparations
Aptitude Test on Ages, for Bank Exams(IBPS,SBI PO,SBI Clerk)
Aptitude Test on Ages, for Government Exams(SSC CGL,SSC CHSL)
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Aptitude Test on Ages, for Railway exams(RRB)
Aptitude Test on Ages, for Postal Exams
IAS Exam preparation(UPSC)
Aptitude Test on Ages, for MBA Exams preparation
Q1 ).10 years ago the elder sibling was twice the age of the younger sibling,10 years later their ages were in the ratio of 6:5.Find their current ages?
10 and 20
15 and 20
15 and 30
25 and 20
Q2 ).A couple got married 15 years ago,then their ages were in the ratio 5:4.Ten year later from the current day their ages are in the ratio of 10:9.Find their current ages?
25 and 40
30 and 40
35 and 40
20 and 40
Q3 ).A father is 3 times as old as his son 5 years back.After 5 years the fathers ageis in the ratio 5:3.Find the current ages ?
10 and 25
12 and 20
14 and 20
10 and 20
Q4 ).The sum of the ages of mother and father 5 years back was 12 times the age of the son.After 5 years the son is 15 years old.Find the sum of the ages of parents?
70 years
72 years
60 years
100 years
Q5 ).There are two siblings.After ten years the age of one sibling is twice the other siblings age.find their current ages?
20 and 10
11and 10
0 and 10
12 and 10
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