Inheritance-to use the functions and variables of base classes
Abstraction-only to reveal relevant or necessary information
Encapsulation-to bundle function and variable together
Q2 . Name some technologies that come to your mind in Front end?
HTML-It is used to display the data in a browser,CSS-It is used to style the data like size,color etc
JAVASCRIPT-zit is used to perform operation or maniplation on the HTML data
Q3 . Name some technologies that come to your mind in Middleware?
ESB(Enterprise Service Bus)-It is used to act as a mediator to help in conversion and sending compliant data to destination by transforming in the middle,ETL(Extract transform Load)-These tools are used to transform large amounts of data from source
Q4 . Name some technologies that come to your mind in BackEnd?
DataBases and Queues
Q5 . What is the Software developement lifecycle that is gaining popularity?
AGILE methodology
Q6 . Name some DataBases that you know of?
Q7 . What is FTP?
File transfer protocol that is used to transfer the file to a location(Directory) that is in a remote destination.The default port for FTP is 21
Q8 . What does SMTP stand for?
Simple mail transfer protocol
It helps in sending mails from source to destination
the default port no is 25
Q9 . In a project which team is more important the Developement or the support team?
This is a trick question.You can come up with sugar coated answer like.The support is the backbone of the business but the developement will improve the code quality and help fix bugs.
Q10 . Can you name some clouds(IT context) out there?