It is trying to mine or process a lot of information , so that new information or pattern can be obtained from the existing data
Q2 . What is data warehousing?
It is place for storing the data obtained from various locations in a single repository.This data can be used to analyse the data using business intelligence(BI) and derive various patterns for decision making.
Q3 . Why is java Platform independent?
Java generates something called the java byte code.Any system be it windows ,linux running a JVM would be able to interpret it making Java Platform independent.
Q4 . What are Deadlocks in operating systems?
When the same resource is required by two or more programs for completion of execution.But as a result of this situation none of the programs are able to execute is called a deadlock
Q5 . What is threading in OS?
Threading is a concept of executing tasks in parallel like different set of instructions and so on.They are also called light weight processes
Q6 . What is a file system?
It is a way of storing data using data structures in a file partion or the disk.
Q7 . Do you have an idea of shell scripting and can you list some basic commands?
Shell scripts are used to be run by the Unix Shell
some of the commands are
> ls-It is used to list the directories and files in the directory you are running the shell script
>Grep- It is used to search
Q8 . what are UML Diagrams?
UML stands for Unified modelling language.These are standard diagaramatic or pictorial representation of business.Some of the examples are Class diagrams,Sequence diagrams etc
Q9 . What are class diagrams?
Class diagrams are static in nature.They are used to depict the static state of an application or program.They also describe about the artifacts associated with the class diagrams like attributes and functions.
Q10 . What are sequence diagrams?
Sequence diagrams represent the flow of the code among various classes.It literally list various conditional statements as notations.