The main difference is that C++ supports the OOPS concepts
Q2 . What is the difference between C++ and Java?
Both of them are object oriented but Java is platform independent.
Q3 . What are some of the differences between 8085 and 8086 microprocessors?
The basic difference is that 8085 is an 8 bit processor and 8086 is a 16 bit processor
Q4 . Can you give real life examples of OOPs Concepts?
Inheritance-we getting our ancestors property
Abstraction-only telling the truth as per the person and situation
Q5 . What are some of the differences between windows and Linux?
Windows is propreited and does not have full flexibility whereas linux is opensource and gives full access to be improved distributed and shared for everyones use.
Q6 . What is a BIOS?
BIOS(basic input output system) is used to get the system started by loading the data and it also manages the flow of data to the mother board.
Q7 . What are Data structures?
It is an efficient way of storing data effeciently by using different structures
Some examples of data structures are Arrays,linked lists,heaps etc
Q8 . What are assembly level languages and name some of them?
They are low level languages that help interacting with the specific Machine architecture.Examples of some assemblers are
> GNU assembler
> Borland Turbo Assembler
Q9 . Which is superior C or C++(trick question)?
No language is superior or inferior .All languages have pros and cons and their respective uses.
Q10 . What is your take on cloud computing?
It is way of providing various services throught the internet and are based on on demand requirement