Q1 . Can you name some NOSQL database technologies?
NoSQL databases or Non SQL databases are ones that store data in a format other than tables.Example-Cassandra,Mongo
Q2 . What is the fullformm of WSDL?
Web Service Definition Language (WSDL)
Q3 . What is the Difference between HTML and XML?
HTML is mainly used to display the data in a webpage and whereas XML is used to transmit the data.
Q4 . Name some technologies to manipulate the XML data?
XSLT and Xquery
Q5 . What are ERP(Enterprise resource planning)?
These are the integrated management processes that help integrate the end to end processes of an organisation spanning across all the departements of the company
Q6 . What are ETL tools?
ETL (Extract Transform load) .This is used to move large chunks of data from source to target.
Q7 . Can you list some of the types of SQL queries?
DDL(Data Definition Language)-They are used to define thestructure of the database the query is used on
DML(Data Manipulation Language)-They are used to handle the data in a database
Q8 . what are UML Diagrams?
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used to give a visual representation of the system
Q9 . please list some of the types of UML Diagrams?
Class Diagram,Component Diagram,Sequence Diagram
Q10 . what are server side scripts?
These are scripts deployed in the server.These are used to produce response for the client